Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s my turn.

It’s my turn. Holy. Cow. So… as it turns out planning a wedding requires A LOT of decisions (I can hear the “Duh, Shannons” from here).  Though I’ve been a wedding photographer for over 8 years at this point, without ever having a wedding of my own I don’t think I ever could have truly…

The Journey to Joy

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” ― Alexander Pope Expectations. I think it is fair to note that we all have them.  We have them for love. For family. For work. For friendships.  For dinner recipes, diets, weddings, trips to the beach, walks with the dog and trips to…


Paradise.   I’ve been there once. I actually took up residence there for approximately three months during what can only be described as one of the most random chapters of my life. Unfortunately though and much to my dismay, it wasn’t filled with green grass and pretty girls like Guns and Roses had promised me….

Don’t Let the Story Steal Your Moments

I have to admit something here.  Since the beginning of my journey with Lampstand, I have been obsessed with stories. When I first started and began meeting all of you, I immediately became infatuated with your stories; with the things that make you tick, the reason you are the way you are and how you…

There Are A Lot Of You

I am sitting here this morning drinking a cold cup of coffee working on wrapping up some work from what can easily be noted as the absolute busiest month in Lampstand’s baby life. One of my original muses traveled back to WI to visit me and my lens and we quickly found ourselves reminiscing about…
